Journal articles (11)
Date | Details |
2024 | Experimental hot-wire characterisation of the turbulent jet produced by a sweeping jet actuator in a quiescent environment M. Tocquer, C. Raibaudo, A. Kourta Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 377, 115739 [link] [article] |
2023 | Realistic turbulent inflow conditions for estimating the performances of a floating wind turbine C. Raibaudo, J.-C. Gilloteaux and L. Perret Wind Energy Science, 8(11), 1711–1725 [link] [article] |
2023 | Electroactive morphing effects on the aerodynamic performance through wobulation around an A320 wing with vibrating trailing edge at high Reynolds number C. Rouaix, C. Jimenez-Navarro, M. Carvalho, C. Raibaudo, J. Abou-Khalil, A. Marouf, Y. Hoarau, G. Harran, J. Hunt, H. Hangan, J.-F. Rouchon and M. Braza Journal of Fluids and Structure, 123, 104016 [link] |
2022 | POD analysis of the wake dynamics of an offshore floating wind turbine model C. Raibaudo, T. Piquet, B. Schliffke, B. Conan and L. Perret Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(2):022085 [link] [article] |
2022 | Experimental analysis of the wake meandering of a floating wind turbine under imposed surge motion L. Pardo Garcia, B. Conan, S. Aubrun, L. Perret, T. Piquet, C. Raibaudo, B. Schliffke Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(4):042003 [link] [article] |
2022 | Experimental model-based closed-loop control of a massively separated boundary layer at high Reynolds number C. Raibaudo, F. Kerhervé European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 91, 80-93 [link] |
2021 | Unsteady actuation and feedback control of the experimental fluidic pinball using genetic programming C. Raibaudo, R. J. Martinuzzi Experiments in Fluids, 62, 219 [link] |
2020 | Machine learning strategies applied to the control of a fluidic pinball C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack, R. J. Martinuzzi Physics of Fluids, 32(1), 015108 [link] |
2018 | Suppression of fluctuating lift on a cylinder via evolutionary algorithms: control with interfering small cylinder C. Bingham, C. Raibaudo, C. Morton, R. J. Martinuzzi Physics of Fluids, 30(12), 127104 [link] |
2017 | Open and closed-loop control of a triangular bluff body using rotating cylinders C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack, R. J. Martinuzzi IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1), 12291-12295 [link] |
2017 | Transient characterization of the reattachment of a massively separated turbulent boundary layer using flow control C. Raibaudo, M. Stanislas, F. Kerhervé Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 98(4), 1039-1063 [link] [article] |
Articles under preparation
Date | Details |
2023 | Adaptive control of a morphing wing... C. Raibaudo, *** In preparation for Journal of Fluids and Structures |
PhD thesis
2015 | Characterization of the transient of a separated turbulent boundary layer under control and applications to advanced closed-loop controllers École Centrale de Lille, Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille [thesis] [defense] |
Conferences papers (3)
Date | Details |
2015 | Characterization of the transient dynamics of a controlled separated flow using phase-averaged PIV C. Raibaudo, F. Kerhervé, M. Stanislas International Conference on Instabilities and control of massively separated flows, Springer, 183-186 [link] |
2014 | Closed-loop control of experimental shear flows using MLC T. Duriez, V. Parezanovic, J.-C. Laurentie, C. Fourment, J. Delville, J.-P. Bonnet, L. Cordier, B. R. Noack, M. Segond, M. Abel, N. Gautier, J.-L. Aider, C. Raibaudo, C. Cuvier, M. Stanislas, S. L. Brunton 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, USA [link & paper] |
2010 | Electrical vehicles project: a method to learn power electronics for a non-specialized engineer? C. Paugam, A. André, X. Margueron, C. Raibaudo, A. Leblanc, E. Delmotte, P. Besse Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Lille, France [link] |
International conferences (18)
Date | Details |
2024 | Mass entrainment analysis of the controlled turbulent separation using sweeping jets M. Tocquer, C. Raibaudo, A. Kourta 24th European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, EDRFCM, Torino, Italy [link] |
2023 | Dynamics of a floating wind-turbine wake model using experimental approach C. Raibaudo, L. Perret Wind Energy Science Conference [link] |
2022 | Experimental analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics for an offshore wind-turbine wake C. Raibaudo, L. Perret European Fluids Mechanics Conference [link] |
2022 | Low-order representation of the wake dynamics of offshore floating wind turbines C. Raibaudo, L. Perret 12th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP 2022, Osaka, Japan [link] |
2022 | Experimental analysis of the wake meandering of a floating wind turbine under imposed surge motion L. Pardo Garcia, B. Conan, S. Aubrun, L. Perret, T. Piquet, C. Raibaudo, B. Schliffke Torque 2022, Delft, Netherlands [link] |
2022 | POD analysis of the wake dynamics of an offshore floating wind turbine model C. Raibaudo, T. Piquet, B. Schliffke, B. Conan, L. Perret Torque 2022, Delft, Netherlands [link] |
2021 | Feedback control on a morphing A320 reduced scale wing towards aerodynamic performance increase C. Raibaudo, M. Carvalho, P. Mouyon, C. Döll, J.F. Rouchon, M. Braza CM3 Transport 2021, Barcelona, Spain [link] [abstract] |
2019 | Dynamics of cambered A320 wing by means of time-resolved PIV and pressure measurements for design of closed-loop control of trailing-edge electroactive actuator M. Carvalho, C. Raibaudo, S. Cazin, M. Marchal, G. Harran, C. Nadal, J.F. Rouchon, M. Braza FSSIC Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Crete Island, Greece [link] [paper] |
2019 | Camber setting of a morphing wing with macro-actuator feedback control A. Giraud, C. Raibaudo, M. Cronel, P. Mouyon, I. Ramos, C. Döll FSSIC Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Crete Island, Greece [link] [paper] |
2019 | Adaptive flow control laws: A simulation based comparison with low order models C. Raibaudo, P. Mouyon, C. Döll AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, Dallas, USA [link] [paper] |
2018 | Experimental control of a fluidic pinball using machine learning R. J. Martinuzzi, C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack GAMM Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany [link] |
2017 | Experimental control of a fluidic pinball using genetic programming C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack, R. J. Martinuzzi APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Denver, USA [abstract] |
2017 | Open-loop and closed-loop control of a triangular bluff body using rotating cylinders C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack, R. J. Martinuzzi International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, Toulouse, France [abstract] |
2016 | A bilinear input-output model with state-dependent delay for separated flow control M. Feingesicht, C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard European Control Conference, Aalborg, Denmark [abstract] |
2015 | Experimental open-loop and closed-loop control of a massive separated boundary layer at high Reynolds number C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard, M. Stanislas European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Cambridge, UK [abstract] |
2014 | Experimental closed-loop control of a detached boundary layer at high Reynolds number C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, D. Efimov, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard, M. Stanislas European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhague, Danemark [abstract] |
2014 | Closed-loop control of experimental shear flows using machine learning T. Duriez, V. Parezanovic, J.-C. Laurentie, C. Fourment, J. Delville, J.-P. Bonnet, L. Cordier, B. R. Noack, M. Segond, M. Abel, N. Gautier, J.-L. Aider, C. Raibaudo, C. Cuvier, M. Stanislas, S. L. Brunton AIAA Flow Control Conference, Atlanta, USA [link] |
2013 | Characterization of the transient dynamics of a controlled separated flow using phase-averaged PIV C. Raibaudo, F. Kerhervé, C. Cuvier, M. Stanislas International Conference on Instabilities and control of massively separated flows, Prato, Italy [abstract] |
2010 | Electrical vehicles project: a method to learn power electronics for a non-specialized engineer? C. Paugam, A. André, X. Margueron, C. Raibaudo, A. Leblanc, E. Delmotte, P. Besse Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Lille, France [abstract] |
National conferences in France (5)
Date | Details |
2019 | Aerodynamic performance increase of a morphing wing using piezoelectric actuators and shape memory alloys - a study towards adaptive feedback control M. Carvalho, C. Raibaudo, P. Mouyon, C. Döll, S. Cazin, M. Marchal, J.-F. Rouchon, M. Braza GDR Contrôle des décollements, Paris, France [abstract] |
2018 | Experimental flow control of a triangular cluster of cylinders using genetic programming C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack, R. J. Martinuzzi GDR Contrôle des décollements, Toulouse, France [abstract] |
2015 | Caractérisation transitoire du recollement de couche limites turbulentes massivement décollées et contrôle en boucle fermée C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, C. Cuvier, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard, M. Stanislas GDR Contrôle des décollements, Nantes, France [abstract] |
2014 | Caractérisation et contrôle en boucle fermée par actionneurs fluidiques des écoulements turbulents décollés C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard, M. Stanislas GDR Contrôle des décollements, Paris, France [abstract] |
2013 | Characterization of the transient dynamics of the separated boundary layer reattachment using fluidic vortex generators C. Raibaudo, F. Kerhervé, M. Stanislas GDR Contrôle des décollements, Lille, France [abstract] |